Set in Reagan Era New York City, CONFIRMATION is a comedic drama that examines the emotional commerce that lies beneath our personal relationships. Inner-city school teacher Joe Kortig has moved into a new apartment after a grueling breakup. However, a fresh start remains elusive. Joe's boundary-challenged mother, Marie is worried that Joe is going through an identity crisis, his long-time friend Myra (Allison Linker) wants to renew their physical relationship and his best friend David has a sexual encounter with one of Joe's male students. As Joe struggles with the needs all around him, the consequences of David's fling bear down on him in the form of school Principal Father Cohan. Written by Vincent Marano and directed by DeLisa M. White.
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Earlier Event: January 22
Coal Town by Fred Pezzulli at The Actor's Studio
Later Event: May 6
PECKER! Music by Alan Cancelino, Lyrics by Owen Robertson